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Understanding the origin and evolution of water in the Moon through lunar sample studies


If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username. Some insight is provided to us by meteorites as well as remote and direct observations of asteroids and comets left over from the formation of the Solar System. These primitive objects provide a record of early chemical evolution and a sample of material that has been delivered to Earth’s surface throughout the past 4.

Yet an effective chronicle of organic evolution on all Solar System objects, including that on planetary surfaces, is more difficult to find.

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Updated June 6: Another similar study, published today in Science, appears to confirm that the Moon was created when the planet Theia struck Earth 4. Previous studies had failed to find evidence of Theia in lunar rock samples — but now a more thorough analysis has discovered material of alien origin that lines up with the Theia-Earth giant impact hypothesis. The original story remains below. A new study has determined with The study also confirms that the Moon was created when a Mars-sized planet often called Theia collided with Earth some 4.

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Historically, all attempts at aging the Moon have revolved around radiometric dating — i. Radiometric dating is pretty good, but it has fairly limited accuracy over a time span of billions of years previous attempts at dating the age of the Moon have ranged from 30 to million years after the Solar System was born. This new method, devised by a worldwide group of researchers, takes a very different approach. The photo at the top of the story shows the same thing, but visualized by a National Geographic artist instead.

As you know, Earth has an iron core.

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