Дата публикации: 30.01.2024

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Posing with a cat makes men less desirable to women, compared with when they pose without their feline friends, researchers recently discovered. Overall, women rated cat-less photos of the same man higher on desirable qualities, with more women saying that they would be likely to consider the man for both long-term and short-term relationships, according to a new study. Related: Photos: See the world through a cat’s eyes. Previously, other studies had found that women considered pet-owning men to be “more attractive and dateable” than men who did not own pets, but this effect was usually associated with dog ownership.

To answer that question, the researchers conducted two surveys: one with participants and one with participants. Study subjects were all American residents between the ages of 18 and 24, and who identified as female and heterosexual. Depending on the group, the women looked at photos of one of two white men — “Male 1” or “Male 2” — who were in their early 20s and wearing blue button-down shirts.

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The participants looked at two versions of the photo of each man: either with or without a cat. When the first group viewed “Male 1” alone, they saw him as “more extraverted than when pictured with the cat,” the scientists reported. And when “Male 1” was pictured with a cat, study participants saw him as “more agreeable, neurotic and open,” than when he posed solo, according to the study.

And how did holding a cat affect the men’s desirability as mates?

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