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How to be human: am I in love with my friend?


My boyfriend and I have been dating for around three months. I met him through mutual friends and we hit it off right away. We get along so well, the sex is great and I love spending time with him. However, I recently heard that he had slept with one of my best girlfriends right before we started dating . This was just gossip, so I decided to go straight to the source and ask my friend.

She said it was true.

I have already talked to her and told her that she wasn’t being a good friend, but she was just rude to me. Please help! Hey girl, thanks for entrusting me with your​.

To put it bluntly- it’s probably for the best that you stop trying to date her, for several reasons. And that’s okay. She has the right to make that decision. That doesn’t mean that you have to stop being friends, or that you should stop being friends. It’s probably not just you. In fact, you should ask her – respectfully and without pressure – why she doesn’t want to date you. She might have a dozen reasons ranging from she’s not interested in a relationship right now; she’s not attracted to people of your gender, she’s focusing on her career or education, etc.

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Or maybe it is you. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Maybe she values you as a friend. Maybe she doesn’t want to date people that she goes to school or work with. You never know until you ask. After all, it’s not likely to be something like she doesn’t like your personality. If it were that she wouldn’t want to be friends either.

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