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Outcast 11 (Steam key) -- RU


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Дата выхода: 18 декабря 2014 г.
Возрастной рейтинг: 16+
Разработчик: Fresh3D
Издатель: THQ Nordic
Локализация: Английский
Система активации: Steam
Регион: Россия

Fresh3D is bringing you Outcast 1.1, an enhanced version of ´Outcast´, an action-adventure game featuring software voxel rendering, developed in 1999 for the PC.Outcast was one of the first 3d games to offer:
non-linear gameplay,
free-roaming environments,
combats against clever reactive AI,
excellent voice acting,
symphonic music,
20+ hours of highly engrossing adventure.

Outcast has been critically acclaimed to the point it has reach some cult status among many PC gamers. Today, we have the opportunity to bring this fantastic game for the first time to the Steam community.About this versionOutcast 1.1 has been recompiled from the original source code and improved to run smoothly on today´s computers.The main improvements compared to the original version are: multithreaded voxel renderer for higher performances, software bilinear filtering on polygonal meshes, part of the HUD redesigned to match higher resolutions, new high-resolution sky paintings, new launcher, native support of xbox gamepad, user-friendly controller configuration, a lot of bugs fixed and improved stability.StoryIn 2020, the U.S. government successfully sends a probe to an alien world in a parallel universe. As the probe is transmitting video images of the world, an alien life form discovers the probe and damages it, causing a disruptive backlash of energy to form a black hole threatening Earth. Former U.S. Navy SEAL Cutter Slade is given the job of escorting three scientists (William Kauffmann, Anthony Xue and Marion Wolfe) on a mission to this alien world to recover the probe and stop the threat. Arriving in this alien world, Cutter is separated from the other scientists and is hailed by the natives as their messiah, the Ulukai.

Цена: 142 руб.

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