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Aether Drift is a throwback to arcade games and bullet hell shoot ´em ups of the 1980´s - with a modern twist. It features an endless arcade mode with 9 themed arenas to challenge your skills, couch co-op and local multiplayer game modes, as well as a plethora of modifiers and challenges to spice up the gameplay!

You play as Jhin, the Aether Guardian,
a cybernetic samurai who guards the border between the dimensions.

Mobius, ruler of all dimensions, has gone mad with power and is sending an army to destroy the Aether! You must vanquish their evil minions by shifting between the very fabric of reality and using their one weakness against them - cold hard steel. As an Aether Guardian, Jhin can use her "Aether Slip" to tackle the unseen menace that is assaulting the Aether and save everyone from Mobius´s wrath.

- Fast-paced, challenging gameplay with tight, responsive controls
- Swap between dimensions at will
- 9 Different Arenas to Test Your Skills
- 6 Unique Guardians to Play As
( and 1 Secret Character )
- Two Intense Bossfights
- Competitive Online Highscores for Each Arena
- Moon Launchers
( They Shoot Moons at You! )
- 20 Insanely Hard Challenges
- Over 70 unlockable Cheat Codes

Controller Support
(Xbox, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, GameCube)
*may work with off-brand, but no guarantee

Local Splitscreen Multiplayer
- 14 Multiplayer Arenas
- Co-Op, Head To Head, King of the Hill, Rifts, and Hot Potato Game Modes
- Custom Match Settings, Powerups, etc

In Aether Drift, you must survive for as long as possible in one of 9 Arenas. Waves of Mobius´s soldiers will constantly attack you, so you must do your best to defeat them! The difficulty ramps up over time, up to ludicrous amounts at Max Level.

There are also 6 multiplayer modes that can be played with 2 - 4 players.
Co-Op has players competing for highscore in the singleplayer arenas. Unlike singleplayer, this mode lets players revive their fallen comrades.
Stock and Timed Modes pit players against each other in a battle to the death in one of 14 multiplayer Arenas.
Rifts makes players search across the Arenas for capture points which they must fight for control over.
King of the Hill spawns one Rift in the center of the map, and players must fight for control over it.
Hot Potato mode places a Potato on the first player hit, which can pass to others by hitting them. After a predetermined time the potato detonates, killing all nearby players in a spuddy explosion. Last one standing wins.
** This game is LOCAL only! **

Additional Content:
The game features 20 challenges, each of which will test your skills and agility. Beating them unlocks cheat codes for the game, which can be used to modify both singleplayer and multiplayer to a hilarious degree.

NOTE: This game works best on DESKTOPS! Do not be fooled into thinking it will work well on laptops. It WON´T.

For more information, visit the Toxic Sasquatch website!
Thanks, and happy drifting!


1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi
2. Зайти под своей учетной записью или зарегистрировать новую.
3. Перейти в раздел "добавить игру" и выбрать "Активировать через Steam...", ввести ключ полученный после оплаты.

Цена: 59 руб.

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