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Understanding Gretsch guitar serial numbers


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Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Gretsch Drum Serial Number Dating Guide at the best online prices at eBay! Free delivery for.

Gretsch used several different serial number schemes through the years. Each of them can be used to accurately pinpoint the age of a guitar, if you have the correct information. Most online guides and quite a few print guides are based on Jay Scott’s groundbreaking book ” Gretsch: the guitars of the Fred Gretsch Company ,” which is a fine book, but is nearly two decades old. Subsequent research has unearthed quite a few inaccuracies in Scott’s numbers, so any serial number guides cribbing from Scott are also incorrect.

The Gretsch-GEAR database exists to get it right: to document the actual serial numbers, to determine once and for all what was built and when, and to harness the collective knowledge of thousands of Gretsch fans to put the pieces together. From the beginning of the Synchromatic era until , Gretsch guitars were sequentially numbered and can be used to reliably date the guitar.

However, it is important to note several key points:. Gretsch began numbering guitars sequentially, probably in but possibly earlier. The numbers, by model year: Less than Pre-war 10xx to 20xx Approximately 20xxxx Approximately 30xx to 40xx Approximately 40xx to 50xx Approximately 50xx to 70xx Approximately 70xx to 90xx 90xx to xx xx to xx xx to xx xx to xx Note: serial numbers from were misplaced and later turned up, with original ‘style labels, in

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