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Things That’ll Make Your Crush Jealous


You spend a lot of time daydreaming about your crush. You even talk about him so much your friends are getting a little annoyed. You work up the courage to finally tell him how you feel about him You understandably feel crushed and rejected. But hold on—it’s completely normal to feel upset, but you shouldn’t project those feelings onto the other person your crush likes.

Here’s why.

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When people are jealous like have this Signs He Likes You and Trying to Make You Jealous they barely say that they are but somehow will show signs and even they may not even recognize it in themselves. Jealousy can also be a good way to see if your crush likes you or not. So, stay on the lookout for how to tell if your crush is jealous of another guy to gauge how he feels. Jealous people get angry more easily it is kind of when you meet someone in a moody phase.

Here are how to tell if your crush is jealous of another guy. He is going to call you and text you more often than usual. If your crush is jealous he has a chance of pulling away. It can be that he lacks of confidence and probably it is when you start talking about another guy to him. That time when your crush is feeling jealous, the usual arguments you have will pretty much more intense.

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