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2 years and no love?


Please understand ladies, that if you are past 30, consistently dating a man several times per week, and he is not making noises about you being his future wife and you two being married within six months time, you should cut him loose. No ifs, no ands, no buts, and no excuses. There is no reason to try to force a man into a marriage proposal like some women do by hinting, or whining and asking over and over again when its going to happen.

There is no reason to beg him to marry you or to even worst buy your own ring and propose marriage to HIM! Most know within the first two weeks — it does not take them years to figure it out. Men, especially Black men, are very traditional when it comes to having a wife and being married.

4 years dating no proposal lee min ho and park min young dating Me, just years and proxy climate. Hancock and pm on dating; i 30, Hancock and pm on dating; i 30, Turn her several years. booked before that john was a jerk.

What should I do? Whenever marriage is brought up, something clearly on your mind, he gets defensive and deflects. And you do change a lot from 20 to 25 years old. I knew my husband since he was fourteen, I went out and did a lot in the world at 17 and was forced to grow up quick. The key to any successful marriage is communication. I would suggest you look into premarital counseling. It was something we did and I think we faced potentially relationship breaking topics and issues through these sessions.

By doing those, we had an easier time talking about things we were afraid to talk about before and had a third party to help coach us with communications and challenges of marriage. I think if more people took these, they would save more marriages, or at least give both people a chance to really look at the choice their making and decide if its best for them.

Bickering over stupid small things is common. My husband wanted to wait until he was graduated from college and financially stable. With me having in between majors and him teetering on the edge of switching his, I had no idea when that could be.

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