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Understanding Expiration Dates: How do I know when my food’s gone bad?


Shelf life is length of time that food can be stored safely. Food cannot be kept forever. After a certain time it will go bad.

Most participants (82%) indicated that they check the code date on milk every time they shop; 77% said they reached for the code date that was.

Between running a household, trying to meet work deadlines and managing family activities, keeping up to date with how fresh all of your food is may not be top priority. In fact, according to the U. With the exception of infant formula, product dating is not required by federal regulations. The sell-by date is for the grocer. The use-by and best if used by dates indicate freshness. Grocers rotate items on shelves, placing the most recent dated items at the back.

As the sell-by, use-by or best-if-used-by dates pass, the quality of the product starts to deteriorate. It just means if you open it after that date it might not be peak quality. So it makes sense to pay attention to the date and make purchasing decisions based on how soon you plan to eat the item. Milk: Dates on milk products are driven by freshness, not spoilage. Dairies test milk by storing it at a higher than acceptable temperatures to determine how long it lasts without spoiling.

A good rule to follow: Drink milk within a week of the sell-by date.

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