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Michael Sheen addresses claims he wasn’t single when he met pregnant girlfriend Anna Lundberg


There is new hope that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling could one day be an item again, because the actress has broken things off with her boyfriend of more than two years, Michael Sheen. Sources confirmed to Us Weekly that the couple, who met on the set of “Midnight in Paris,” have ended their romance. The pair first took their romance public in October , when they were spotted at a Toronto Film Festival after-party together, and later seen holding hands at an art exhibit. No reason for the split has been reported, but both parties had previously gushed about their partner.

The Hollywood dating pool is shockingly small, if these overlaps are anything to go by. experience during their four-year relationship, which ended in McAdams then dated Michael Sheen, who she met when they.

Sarah credits comedian Kevin Brennan for taking her virginity. The two appear to not have stayed close. Most recently Kevin tried to drag Sarah on Twitter for never having a real job. In that same memoir where she name drops Kevin, Sarah also name drops Dave Attell. In her book, she says she briefly dated the comedian in It was believed that Sarah and Louis C. Sarah said on Howard Stern that Louis would also masturbate in front of her , but it was consensual, unlike the many times he would do it to other female comedians.

Sarah and Sam Seder worked together as well as dated. Their relationship only lasted a year. Sarah and David Cross were both comedians who knew each other from various projects.

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