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Samantha waited hours in a restaurant for a hot waiter to finish his shift, so she could go home with him. She even PAID the one other woman still waiting to leave. So if you want something, go for it. And if someone is turned off by you going after what you want, what does that say about them? Nothing good.

Sex in the City is a frank, witty, sophisticated and comprehensive sex guide for modern women. Packed full of essential facts and advice on all aspects of dating ,​.

When the show debuted in , I was just Now, when I watch it as a single woman in her 30s, it hits a little closer to home. I identify with the characters and their struggles so much more than I did before, because dating in your 30s is very different than dating in your 20s. The playing field is narrower and you probably carry a little more baggage. You also likely have fewer single friends, so there’s more pressure to couple up.

If you recently became single or just turned 31 and are beginning to notice how dating has changed, you came to the right place. Does age really matter? Not so much. One of my girlfriends is 35 and she just married a year-old. Their relationship works because they are madly in love and they support each other mutually. Plus, they have a great time together, and neither of them could imagine a world without the other in it.

When I was in my mids, I wanted a partner who drove a nice car and could afford to take me to a fancy restaurant. I have a nervous personality, so I need someone who can tell me to relax.

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