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Drake Reveals Whether He Still Has a Relationship with Rihanna


And in one of the 17 tracks, the rapper, Scroll down for video. He was referring to an interview Tyga gave to Vibe in October, in which he referred to Drake as ‘fake’ and added that he doesn’t ‘like Drake as a person’.

NEWS IN THE NUMBERS. June 25, By Bruce Drake Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Say Dating Has Gotten Harder for Most People in the Last 10 Years.

Ever since Drake took to the VMAs stage in a tuxedo and pronounced his undying love for Rihanna to the entire world , the internet has been obsessed with trying to figure out whether they are lovers or just insanely close friends. The two have been notoriously tight-lipped about putting a label on their relationship, but it just takes a quick look at their history together to see that they’ve always been soul mates.

According to Drake’s VMAs speech , he was “introduced to her as the kid who played background music as people ate their dinner. May Drake and Rihanna are spotted making out at a Lucky Strike bowling alley in New York, two months after her split from Chris Brown and three months after Brown assaulted her. A Page Six report quotes an onlooker saying, “She was drinking whiskey and apple juice and making out with him all night. They were really cute together. November Rihanna says that there’s no truth to the Drake dating rumors in a radio interview and that they are just friends.

She says she’s into guys that are “hot and older,” even though Drake technically fits that bill. May Drake’s song, “Fireworks,” seems to reference Rihanna. Consider the following lyrics:. You know what she was doing to me? She was doing exactly what I’ve done to so many women throughout my life, which is show them quality time, then disappear. I was like, wow, this feels terrible. A week later, he tells MTV he didn’t mean for the comments to sound negative: “I’m extremely confident, so it’s very rare that anybody, let alone a woman that I like, makes me feel nervous or makes me feel small,” he explained.

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