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Army Grade Determination Review Board


All rights reserved. This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. Forget about all the talk about training and the mission when it comes hiring and retaining cyber expertise in the government. The Army is taking a page right out of that script to offer service members and civilians bonuses to keep their skill sets in-house and away from the alluring private sector.

There is not a lack of people who want to join us.

Soldiers of enlisted ranks with a limited contract (either 4, 8 or 12 years) or Can an Army Active Duty Officer date an Army Reserve Enlisted Solider not on.

What is the meaning of fraternization? What do we in the military perceive as fraternization? Within the military, officers and members of enlisted ranks are typically prohibited from personally associating outside of their duties and orders. Excessively familiar relationships between officers of different ranks may also be considered fraternization, especially when between officers in the same chain of command.

It is also important to understand that the term officer includes commissioned and warrant officers. What is really important to understand about the policy is that relationships that have the appearance to be violating the standards are prohibited. The question is not if it is happening or if it is not happening, but we have to be aware that rumors and appearances, both good and bad, affect the good order and discipline of a unit. For example, business relationships between officers and enlisted personnel are prohibited, such as borrowing or lending money or commercial solicitation.

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