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Undressed: What’s the Deal With the Age Gap in Relationships?


When my year-old son told me he was bringing his new girlfriend home to meet me, I chilled the wine and whacked a chicken in the oven. Clearly they were getting serious and I was so pleased and excited. Until he arrived home with a year-old woman. I opened the door to stare into a visage nearly as lined as my own. My own smile froze.

I’mWe had an amazing time! I am 19 years old and I am in a relationship with someone who is 23 years older than me. i dont think i would be pleased for them, a 20 year old dating a 36 year old, no. nothing against u.

Statutory rape can often be a confusing term chomas, and maybe it’s because it isn’t spoken about often. Do you know what the age of consent is? For a long time in South Africa the legal age of consent has been 16 years old. Recently things have changed a bit where the law was revised for teenagers. As of this year, the legal age of consent between teenagers is Remember that this ONLY applies to relationships between young teenagers.

A person aged 12 can consent to sex with someone who is 14 years old, but not someone who is 16 and older. So if two minors over the age of 12 and under the age of 16 consent to sex , then in the eyes of the law this would not be considered statutory rape.

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