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Drake and Rihanna: A Timeline of Their Love From the ‘Pon de Replay’ Video to the 2016 VMAs!


Drake and Rihanna are finally official! From there, faster than you can say DriRi, we fell head OVO heels shipping the two artists, especially after Drake, 29, followed up the awards show moment with this super couple-ish photo of them kissing on Instagram. Read on to take a walk back through Rihanna and Drake’s romance, from the “Pon de Replay” video, to their many tantalizing collaborations, to their make-our-hearts-go-bum-bum-be-dum moment at the VMAs.

Drake Dating and Relationships: Hailey Baldwin, Rihanna. People December 28, The Views Director backs public masking. Health. Yahoo Finance.

When you live your life in the public eye relationships aren’t easy. For singer, model, entrepreneur-extraordinaire Rihanna life in the limelight has always come at a price for her love life. People just can’t seem to stay out of the starlet’s business and this time it may have caused her and ex-boyfriend Hassan Jameel to call it quits. Rumor has it that pressure from his family rooted in their desire to welcome a low key and more traditional belle into the family may be the culprit. Rihanna 31 and Saudi businessman Hassan 31 dated for more than two years and neither party has commented on the official cause of the split.

Over the course of the relationships, shots of the pair surfaced as they trotted the globe together causing adoration, awe, and even envy at times. With so much on her plate, it’s a wonder the starlet even has time to date. Since her very public breakup with Chris Brown, she has been linked to several very famous lovers. At one point she was even said to be dating Leonardo DiCaprio. The beauty mogul’s response to these rumors was super comical:.

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