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Things to do in Perth


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There is an endless amount of romantic things to do in Perth. This classic choice for a date means spectacular views and an unbeatable break from the urban ruckus of Perth. Go for an afternoon walk, and enjoy a gorgeous sunset. Among all the romantic things to do in Perth, picnic in Kings Park should be on the top of your list. To make the date set up easier, join one of the following Perth tours :. Observe the city lights twinkling in the waterfront and enjoy the evening breeze while having a delicious meal with a glass of wine.

What a lovely experience to share with your partner! There are hundreds of beaches to wander around in Perth, but Cottesloe is by far the most popular one. Catch a dazzling Indian Ocean sunset over the waves and grab some fish and chips while you chat the night away. Within Nambung National Park is a Western Australian tradition that is great for taking a date with a sense of adventure: sand surfing in the Pinnacle Desert is almost as popular as riding real waves.

The good surf is in Lancelin, so get ready for a mini-roadtrip! Was sand surfing just a small taste of adventure for you?

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